Rich Clicker - Idle Clicker

Click to Riches - Tap, Upgrade, Prosper

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2.91 (Rating count: 182)
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Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 2.91
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35% (7)
Date Author Rating Comment
Fox Sake
Game just crashes when you hit the plus button. Edit: playing with 8gb of ram and 128gb storage, and it still crashes.
Cristina Refec
Every time I click on any button except for the coin, the game crash's. Plus, this is really badly made.
Zachary Kanfer
Straightforward. Simple. Boring as sin.
Isaac Ellingson
as a fan of clickers: this is an extremely low-effort clicker. there's no offline income, the CPS upgrades break immediately when you close and open the game, and the visual language of the icons is muddled. it's unplayable in this state, but I gave it an extra star anyway for not having ads.
Bruce Wayne
Fail. It said I earned 65000000 or whatever coins when I logged in but it didn't save any of them apparently so I only had like 10000. 🤷‍♂️
Cody Howell
A great, simple idle game
Robert Littlefield
To slow to build up and buy, just to slow of a game.
Lookie Here
This is more of a suggestion for the game developers than a review. 1st you should give the player some kind of reward for making more money, and upgrading. Thos could be as simple as new skins, or animations, or characters on screen. Maybe add things you can buy in the background like a house, car amd boat that you would would have to buy in game. 2nd the ads should only add a day of income not double it no matter how much money you have. Thank you.
Dub TheLord
Generic, low effort clicker. Go play the AdVenture games.
caleb negrea
To explain my rating... you must understand what a clicker game is before you give a 1 star review. I like clicker games and understand the joy of simple games that takes some time to reach the last upgrade... shame on those, who gave a bad review just because they don't apreciate the work of others and can't understand the idea of the developer! Grate game, love it!
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