Coin Value - Coin Identifier

The app is a powerful AI to accurately identify any coin within seconds

Total ratings

3.20 (Rating count: 1,297)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Does not work for identifying coins
    • High subscription fees with recurring charges
    • Frequent and disruptive ads
    • Inability to upload or take photos consistently
    • Lack of customer support and assistance
    Most mentioned
    • Inability to identify common coins like pennies and dimes
    • Constant advertisements during use
    • High upfront costs with limited functionality
    • App crashes or fails to upload photos
    • Poor performance with older or foreign coins
    See reviews for Coin Value - Coin Identifier on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.00
    All time rating average: 3.20
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    5 star
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    82% (18)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Jo Mari Rinaldi
    It doesn't work and it has not only heaps of ads in it which should pay for it it has a charge a very hefty subscription that size weather supposedly few day free trial bad to have to pay a year up in front on that first day of your free trialwhoopee give miss
    Luke Hildreth
    the app. is nothing more than trash . It can't identify any american coin I haven't all
    Ethan Chunkymunk
    It did not work I had a coin it was a old one it's from Indonesia but it would not work I'm really disappointed don't get this it's a wast of time
    Keith Richards
    app sucks it cannot I'd any thing except for the coins that are already have the pictures of the coins the developer was able to get but it isn't working for simplest of coins
    Robert Olson (Rob)
    Useless.... Trying to see what my wheat pennies are worth, doesn't ID any of them. Tried focusing with in-app adjuster, doesn't ID. tried pre photos and loading onto app, doesn't ID. NOT WORTH DOWNLOADING
    Robert Dougherty
    Useless! It may have been the quality of the scan from my tablets camera, but the app couldn't identify a single coin I tried. Maybe there is a paywall before it actually works but I never saw it, but I did see an ad every 10 seconds. I'd rather just pay for an app that works then download a free one that doesn't. Not to mention the years lost watching ads for things I don't want or need. Uninstalled ✓
    Jamie shepherd leach
    this is a waste of my money, it doesn't work. when I take a picture of the coins, it always have a × on not enough light no matter how you take it.
    Brett Graham
    This app is worse than garbage. It says it identifies any coin but can not even identify a quarter. Every review is the same the app does not work and every response is the same please report it to technical support. Please delete this out of the app store!
    Dan Brink
    The camera doesn't take the picture. If you do it manually,the app doesn't recognize the coin.
    Lisa Taylor
    it couldn't identify a US 2023 ROOSEVELT DIME after 4 times taking a picture of the dime only one time did it even have a dime in result list & it wasn't even a ROOSEVELT DIME. That was a waste of time downloading this app. it's a shame cause that would have been a great app if it actually worked
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