The Daily Deals

Brings you Live Deals & Promotion Notifications from Retailers.

Total ratings

3.78 (Rating count: 137)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good deals and offers available
  • User-friendly interface for accessing deals
  • Responsive and helpful customer support
  • App frequently does not work or crashes
  • Issues with logging in and receiving verification codes
  • Receiving unwanted SMS notifications related to the app
Most mentioned
  • App does not open or work correctly
  • Users are frustrated with glitches and crashing
  • Users reported spam texts related to the app's promotions
See reviews for The Daily Deals on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 3.78
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Rating filters

5 star
40% (8)
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15% (3)
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40% (8)
Date Author Rating Comment
Shane burke
it worked for a bit but menus don't open now
Shannon Squyres
What a mess! This used to be a decent app. The "new & improved" version is basically useless. Why can't techies just leave stuff alone! I've installed and Uninstalled repeatedly - to no avail. It's absolutely unusable now. Way to go guys. Stellar job!
Mark Talbutt
I always luv the people and the staff and always good deals...
Mrs Okemuyiwa
Difficulties with this app. Can't find the update
Austin Boston
Never installed and keep getting texts to my phone to install...what is this scam bait I installed just to leave a review asking why am I being text into this every damn day Edit: I see that one of my local dispensaries are using this app for sending daily deals. Would've been nice to know more information through text lol changed rating from one to five
Cie Ja
Professionnel, Patient, and Prompt. Courteous and Informative with reviews here and with messages on the app. Waiting on my retailer now so I can actually use the app and finally give the 5 stars I can already tell this app desrves. Thanks Daily Deals and text vending. 🙏 😊
Steven Elling
I keep getting the following SMS spam from different numbers that point me to this app: DOG Call/Text [redacted] Download App in the link below to receive todays deals![redacted] Thank you! X to Cancel - I don't know how they got my number or whether whomever is just texting random numbers but it is very annoying.
Katty Haller
app doesnt work at all. had it downloading only for 10mins and doesnt open. continues to glitch
Andrew Rojas
I love this app. I think their products and services have been great.👍😊😊😊
Tony Cantrell
The app does not inform you when they are out of certain strains but overall I'm more than pleased
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