All in One Unit Converter Pro

Easy to use all in one Scientific Calculations and Unit Conversion Calculator

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4.33 (Rating count: 348)
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Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.33
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Date Author Rating Comment
Ismael Valente
The premium version are the best. You'll find almost the tools that you need it.
Huawei Huawei
Keeps crashing after latest update when I push Currency converter. Un- and reinstall doesn't help.
Numm S.
Stopped updating currencies.
Sundaresan Rengasamy
Very useful. There are many options (units) to convert from and to, as I used for Area Calculation.
Michael Christie
Wonderful, super useful app, I've been using this app for years and still find new functions that I hadn't previously known of. Very, very useful app, well done to the creator!
Darhar M.
Is they're a way to remove items from the toolbar when the App. starts? It would be nice to have the ability to customize the toolbar by adding and removing conversions.
Ron Burbidge
This is the best app I've found and the handiest app you could have for reference of an abundance of measurements, scales quantities etc. etc. A must if you're working, cooking, building or just want to confirm a fact.
Darryl Gill
Very Good but I would like to see chains added to the distance calculator
Steven Friend
I've just got this app as premium, never tried the ad version so I'm doing the one basket bunch of eggs, no spatula... What good would having a paddle if you were up $#!t creek anyhow? . . . . This is an addition. Love the app. No ads and I just keep it in the background anymore. I can't tell you how many times in week at work alone I get asked "how much of what, is how many this?" And they know I got the answer in just a few clicks and #s. Solid. Get it. Use it. -BenTwaN
Viper E3
The app shuts down if you don't give it a ratings so here's your freaking Rating. The problem is I am also a coder programmer and I know a purpose built code when I see it every time The admittedly good app... ASKS Me the Customer to Rate it IF I DO NOT AGREE TO RATE THE APP IT CLOSES NOT I REPEAT NOT A CRASH ! 🤔 WHAT ELSE ARE YOU PEOPLE CAPABLE OF TAKING ?
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