ID Card Wallet - Mobile Wallet

ID Card Wallet - Card Holder is a mobile wallet app to keep detail of your Cards

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2.76 (Rating count: 121)
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Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 2.76
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Date Author Rating Comment
Micah Carr
No in-app purchase no way to get rid of ads. This app sucks!
abdul wakeel
Id card wallet is very easy to use. finally i can save my personal data in secure hands.
Disruptive ads; a button for "Privacy policy" which does nothing (so we can't see any such policy); and despite the promise here that we can get rid of ads by buying the paid version, there's nothing in the app that permits paying to do so, and no other version in the Play Store. Settings only allows resetting the PIN. There is also no way to remove or correct spelling on categories like "Shoping"; we are stuck with the programmer's errors. Uninstalling.
David McIntosh (Darkstar1971)
I tried other apps before this and ID Card Wallet is the far superior one as far as setting up and displaying
Max Solomon
Why is there ads, very annoying ! Don't need that just to view my cards, I will delete because of that.
Sylvain Leclerc
5 star reviews are fake! Stay away from this app. Adds are loud and overwhelming. You cant manage the cards properly by creating new categories and there is a huge security hole. When you setup the cards the pictures are also stored in the camera folder. Unless you go back to delete manually. All your cards are there for the viewing. The share function appears nor to function on my devics. Will delete and replace. JUNK!
Karin J Martinez
Ridiculous number of adds!! It's a great concept, but poorly executed. I can't even figure out how to edit the categories and I guessing that one of them is supposed to read Debit Cards!.?Not positive but doesn't make sense to me and of course I can't even fix it. So kinda worthless app when you consider you can find the same exact thing built properly in the PlayStore!
Hafiz Sodagar
Id card wallet is the best. This app saves my all important data including pictures. Too good app
Shubham Verma
ID Card wallet is the excellent app , really enjoyed the facilities available in this.. highly recommend
Robin Hood
Waaaooo suorb!! This the app I was I can save my all imortant doeciments in this id card wallet.100% secure and very easy to use app.
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