Teamwork Chat

Chat helps teams communicate, collaborate and reach new levels of productivity.

Total ratings

3.18 (Rating count: 145)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Friendly and easy to use
  • Great app for team communication
  • Simplicity compared to other apps like Slack
  • Frequent login and connection issues
  • No push notifications functionality
  • Slow loading times and inability to load messages
  • Missing features like dark mode
Most mentioned
  • Login issues
  • Connection problems
  • Lack of push notifications
  • Slow performance
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 3.18
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40% (8)
Date Author Rating Comment
Asad Anik
Perfect app but facing problem today Network not connecting and app becomes lost of control today..
Grace God
You give only permissions to Login and nowhere to create a New account. I try to Login with my PRE-EXISTING Teamwork Login details But it keeps giving an error message; saying “please check your email or password" Why???
Kyle Sharma
Never updated The PC version gets more frequent updates than this and I'm sure the iOS version is the top priority on getting new features.
Polariz Channel
My rate is zero. Garbage app to the highest degree.
Jun Angelo De Jesus
No option to have Push Notifications
rez rezax
Friendly and easy to use, it has dark mode
mark james
This used to be pretty good. Now frequently the app fails to load new message content. I receive notifications..but cannot load the message. I'm not sure if they have issues with their servers or if it's the app. it's not my connection. It is also not my background process restrictions on my Android phone. I literally get an error message that states unable to load message. So the app is trying to load the new messages, it just fails unless I exit the app and restart it.
Nick House
They advertise a dark mode in the screenshots yet this feature isn't found in the app, it's not listed on their site. I just want my eyes to not hurt.
Emily Fleet
Good when you're in the app, but I don't get any push notifications. Have tried making sure desktop is closed, having colleagues @ me and nothing works :(
Seems like a good app but a huge issue is that the messages do not come in unless you open the app. Samsung note 10+ android 11 and Android 10 Samsung a71. Would be even better it this was fixed and it didn't require google play services to work. Thanks, appreciate everything. ** App isn't opened anywhere else. Also not optimized on device and allowed to run in the background and use data. Thank you.
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