Reviews of MyCard Mobile

List of user reviews and ratings for MyCard Mobile

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1.53 (Rating count: 45)
See reviews for MyCard Mobile on Google Play Store
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Recent rating average: 1.10
All time rating average: 1.53
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Date Author Rating Comment
Donna Comer
Can't get into app, so I can't use app. Have tried everything. Would love some help, that was useful. No one I've spoken to has been able to fix app. Please Help!!!
Jan Harvey
This app is very frustrating. All aforementioned critique is the same that I am having. I am not going to use this Mastercard any further.
Sandy Cimini
Unable to make a payment on the app. Message states "something went wrong, try again later." I used to work but it doesn't now.
Dan Sumrall
Second worst app I own. Main screen doesn't show balance, due date, payment amount, or credit remaining. Any attempt to open one of those screens usually fails. App passwords and username syntax are different than website. Password recovery is defaulted to a phone number that's not mine. I've spoken to customer service TWICE about this but no change. You guys need to just start from scratch. Look at the AMEX app. That's how it's supposed to work.
James Mauro
Awful interface and not user-friendly at all. The payment history is not in order, the view transaction page is useless only showing at most the past 3 transactions.
The app won't open, I've used this app without having any problems in the past, go to pay on my account and it won't open at all now. Not sure what to do with it, guess if they want me to pay on my card they will get it repaired.
Melissa Deleon
Id do a zero rating instead. didnt let me into my account with user and pass unless i went on the website instead. Cant change basic info by yourself, gotta call app customer service specifically because regular customer service apparently knows absolutely nothing. You email them and they ask you for very sensitive info over email which hello never do that. tried asking them to call me back, they never did. At this point i just want to fix some of the info and then delete my account.
Chris Williams
Just opened an account because I wanted a good card to help the environment and it's already looking bad. APR is way higher than advertised, then ran into "problem activating card" when trying to activate it. Finally went to email or report problem and they only give a contact phone number to call, and I work rotating 12 hour shifts so I hope you don't mind receiving phone calls at midnight. Might have to go back to my un-environmentally friendly credit cards then.
Len Seppanen
This app is terrible. So is my credit card company that uses it. It doesn't update my numbers, give me the notifications I want and needs to be fixed majorly
Jim Wright
Went thru entire process to login/register ... got "Invalid Request" Worthless ... might as well uninstall app and cancel card
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