The Commercial Bank i2Mobile

TCB mobile banking app

Total ratings

3.70 (Rating count: 10)
See reviews for The Commercial Bank i2Mobile on Google Play Store

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Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 3.70

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Date Author Rating Comment
Barry Block
PLEASE allow fingerprint login, some people have long and complex passwords and I can't stand having to type it in every time. Other than that, it's fine. But please let there be some way for me to not have to type my password every time
Matthew Mullet
The UI is incredibly basic, but it functions. Leaves much to be desired compared to even other local banks.
shannon lee
Keep getting a error message popping up saying unable to complete this request one right after the other after you log in
Holly Johnson
The people in Danielsville branch are AMAZING! The app is fine, mobile deposit part needs A LOT of improvement, 1% of the time, it works for me, and the other 99%, I have to continuously retake the pic of the back part of the check. That seems to be the main problem. I know I retake pic at least 10Xs. Or get a call saying I need to retake b/c something was cut off in the image when I can clearly see the image on my side after submitting the pics. Other than that, the app is fine.