Internet Speed Test - 5G Speed

Get accurate speed tests for Wi-Fi, 4G and 5G with our Internet Speed Test app.

Total ratings

4.16 (Rating count: 774)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good readings from new modem
  • Some users found it helpful
  • Users enjoyed the app
  • Full of ads, very disturbing
  • Inaccurate speed results
  • Unjustified charges for ad removal
  • Laggy performance and long launch time
Most mentioned
  • Inaccuracy of speed tests
  • Excessive advertisements
  • Poor user experience due to ads
See reviews for Internet Speed Test - 5G Speed on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 4.16
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Rating filters

5 star
24% (5)
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62% (13)
Date Author Rating Comment
Patricia jane Harrison
Have jst dwnloaded this app so hven't had the chance 2 figure it out an jst really wanna kno hw do i gt it 2 Test My wifi modem wit this app. I opened app followed instructions but whn it woz checkin internet it woz reading Palmerston Nth 4 my internet speed wuld of bn kool az if i live dwn thea,But i live in Akarana, Tamaki- Makauroe Area. Hw that work please help a mutha out. Tena Koe holla bac 2 gve me more information on hw i cn b testing my WiFi area wit this app. So many questions rite nw.
MD Jamal
Vuc7 Bubu to 5
Roman Bhuyean
Full screen ad
Adam Stock
Scam app do not install , just sprays ads
Sameer shaikh
Bsrk har 5sec me ads dikha rahe hai😡😡
Chris Maxwell
Ok but total overkill on adverts. I've uninstalled it.
abhijeet singh
Only add not recommended
Nick Singh
Rubbish does not work, scam, makes you watch advert and does not even work. Says my broadband speed is 20 Mbps when it's actually over 400 Mbps. So it's way off, other speed apps are on the 400 mark
Ronald Gordon
Getting good readings from new modem ,good comparison from old modem which was v poor
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