Smart NFC

Smart NFC is an app to automate tasks by just tapping smart phone on NFC tags.

Total ratings

3.64 (Rating count: 1,633)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use for devices that support NFC
  • Helpful for checking NFC capabilities of a device
  • Provides useful features for NFC functionality
  • Good support for recognized NFC tags
  • Has a decent interface for those who can use it
  • App crashes or has glitches when performing certain functions
  • Requires NFC hardware in the device to be useful, which some users lack
  • Some features require payment or premium access
  • Inconsistent performance across different devices
  • Frequent complaints about app being unresponsive or unable to perform actions
Most mentioned
  • Issues with app crashing or glitching
  • Dependency on having NFC hardware in the phone
  • Helpful for determining NFC support of the device
  • Frustration over required premium features
  • General confusion about NFC functionality and compatibility
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: 3.64
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Rating filters

5 star
48% (10)
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33% (7)
Date Author Rating Comment
Arpita Kumari
Guys yall are just being mean stop it, this is very old version so that's why it has issues yall are not even seeing if this app had any updates or smt. just use the app and see bugs give 1 star and write hate things. this app is okay🥲
Bryan Leonard Antonio (Dr Leo)
This is the best app you want on your mobile phone app it's always nice and easy to help everyone
Artem Ostryzhniuk
It does nothing if you do not have NFC on your phone hardware.
William Dignan
USELESS! App has a glitch in menu while trying to open function to write social networks causing the app to crash and close. Reset cache for app and restarted. No joy. Uninstall app and reset cache and cleared memory, reinstalled app. NO JOY.
Gareth Williams
Do not install. I have deleted this app but it takes me to the install page every time I scan an nfc
Louis Lambert
Recognises a NFC tag and opens a page to Buy NFC, so this app is utterly useless in itself. The page also includes a link to Amazon which isn't recognised by Amazon.
Daksh Gupta
Its a pretty good app but there is a premium to access some features Also it does notwork for m13 samsung because n13 does not support nfc in general
Johnny Petersen
Won't accept a location record.. Simply insists on my current location. That's just silly...
Joe Sweeney
I have smart rings ready to sell NEC Near frequency communication for payment at tills. Banking fb. You name it just swipe your ring over scanner an its paid from your banking app. Want one give me a drop sure
Chee Hui Goh
The apps fail to do the job it suppose to do. It can't write anything onto NFC Tag.
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