Reviews of Screw Puzzle: Nuts and Bolts

List of user reviews and ratings for Screw Puzzle: Nuts and Bolts

Total ratings

4.63 (Rating count: 155,281)

Review summary

  • Fun and addicting gameplay
  • Challenging puzzles
  • Nice graphics and visual design
  • Excessive ads, including mid-level interruptions
  • Ads impact gameplay experience negatively
  • Gameplay can become repetitive with limited content
Most mentioned
  • Ads are intrusive and frequent
  • Game experience suffers due to excessive ads
  • Levels repeat and lack complexity as you advance
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Screw Puzzle: Nuts and Bolts on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.60
All time rating average: 4.63
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Rating filters

5 star
4 star
3 star
18% (4)
2 star
23% (5)
1 star
59% (13)
Date Author Rating Comment
I give this game two stars because it was fun in the beginning. Too many ads, of course, and too many things you had to pay for to make it easy to play. The thing that made me give it up was that at higher levels the bars seemed to bend a little and it got too hard to figure out what would still line up when I took the next screw out.
Sammi M.
Has a lot of ads and glitches. No way to contact tech support or the developer about the Daily Challenger, I have wasted blue tickets trying to play this level but it's blank and now it just shows a calendar with a green check as if I played and does give the game. The main game itself gets boring really quickly, I found myself playing the exact same puzzles over and over and over.
Jay Braiman
Nice game, one of the few that actually resembles the ads on another game that got me to try it, but the ads on this one are just intolerable. To even play the game and get through it you have to wait through at least two ads that are VERY long and can't be skipped through; it's just an unpleasant experience, not worth the time.
Donna Thornton
Update: After waiting many weeks to do a review, I complete it and the game literally quits working properly the next day. The game hangs up after selecting "free 30 seconds", free bonus hole, and between every game progression. It won't load ads to get through process. I have to continually force stop the game to reset. I am stuck at level 290. After 4 days of game not working, I am done. ORIGINAL Fun, addicting, and many are quite challenging. lots of ads but tolerable for coins and rewards.
Steven Feltner
This would be a puzzle game I could enjoy, but the ads really detract from the experience. There is an ad after every puzzle, and sometimes two ads. It takes longer to watch rhe ad than it takes to solve the puzzle. After only 10 level, plus the daily challenge, I chose to uninstall the game. Had I been given the chance to experience more of the game and less ads, I could have really enjoyed this screw puzzle game.
Robert Heald
This was a good game, however they've recently made changes that has increased the amount of ads, and reduced the amount of time you have for each puzzle. Instead of a relaxing game it's now unpleasant and stressful. They've added gameplay elements that make the experience significantly less enjoyable, very much do not recommend this game anymore. I played through almost 400 levels before these changes and will now be uninstalling.
Mama Terra
Ads kept freezing and not giving rewards. Had to close and reopen while losing all the moves I made. I even cleared my cache on the phone multiple times. This helped for one more level before it would freeze again. I even deleted the game and reloaded. This brought me back to level one after getting through about 300 levels prior.
Joel Reynolds
This game was genuinely fun... But then it just starts repeating levels, sometimes the same level multiple times in a row. I am greatly disappointed, especially since I WAS having fun until I realized how little content there is in this game. It provided about two days worth of fun, but the looping levels, the intrusive adds, and the occasional glitch that makes some levels unbeatable all made me want to quit.
I absolutely LOVE this game! It's so much fun. The problem is, the ads. There are too many ads which keeps me from being able to fully enjoy this game and it's a real shame. I understand ads have to happen, money needs to be made and honestly, I've found some great games thanks to ads. However, there are just too many ads in this game.😢 It's kinda shady too because it will take me to ads and then make me restart the game all over again after I've already completed half of it. Uninstalling now😢
Mike Patane
Terrible. I understand the need for ads, as much as I might disagree with the type of ads being used after a level has been completed, but to trigger ads mid level is ridiculous. As you play the game, you must move screws from one hole to another. Some of the holes that you must use trigger ads... MID LEVEL! Would have given 4 stars for having ads post level and offering to do away with all ads for $2.99
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