Tamkeen Stores

A one-stop shopping destination for Home and Electronics Appliances in KSA.

Tamkeen Stores - Home & Electronics Shopping App

"Tamkeen Stores" is a comprehensive Android app for shopping home and electronics appliances in Saudi Arabia. With over 30 years of experience, it provides a wide range of top brand products, secure payment options, fast delivery, and top-notch customer service. Enjoy easy browsing, buying, installation, and maintenance with our user-friendly mobile app.
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User reviews

Worst ever experience with Tamkeen. Pathetic after sale service. Zero customer care. No response from technicians especially Mr. Sharif...he is worst.
by Muhammad Aslam, 2024-07-01

تخفيضات كاذبة
by muhanna wa, 2024-06-08
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