M'Ticket - TaM mobile ticket

Your transport and parking tickets on your smartphone

Total ratings

4.77 (Rating count: 6,495)

Review summary

  • Convenient for purchasing tickets
  • Reasonable pricing for tourists
  • Easy to download and input credit card details
  • Frequent bugs and crashes
  • Poor user interface and experience
  • Limited access to tram schedules and times
  • Bad live location tracking for buses
  • Not user-friendly for non-local residents
Most mentioned
  • Bugs are prevalent and cause issues
  • User interface has worsened
  • Limited functionality and reliance on external websites for schedules
  • Inability to easily validate tickets and understand validity times
  • Poor customer service response to issues
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for M'Ticket - TaM mobile ticket on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 4.77
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Rating filters

5 star
24% (6)
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8% (2)
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4% (1)
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12% (3)
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52% (13)
Date Author Rating Comment
Hussain Shahid (Shahid)
Svp je veux pouvoir accéder plus facilement aux horaires de tram
Soumitra Chaudhuri
andreas widijanto
Dimitra D
Terrible application. It's not even an application, for the bus / tram times you go in a website. The live location of the buses is so bad. Most of the time it seems that the bus has already passed and is three bus stops ahead, but the bus has not even passed yet.
Ph Ma
Inutile quand on habite Montpellier
Alejandro Orduña
It simply does not work
Sahar Mestiri
Bugs all day everyday
Camille Prvt
Désastreux, l'accès aux horaires est extrêmement limité, l'application est difficile d'utilisation, pas ergonomique, on est constamment rédigé vers des sites externes à l'application. L'application précédente était bien mieux !!
S. S.
Extremely bad user User interface & entering credit card details not working. Customer service doesn't care. I sent a screenshot & I only get absurd replies, only copy paste. Always great to see where EU funds get wasted. The alternative website for 1 direct purchase is bad enough. Not safe & not practical to enter each time credit card details at a tram stop. Well done, lol, abandoning ticket machines without a working solution. What are people without phone or empty accu supposed to do?
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