Hola Browser-Private&Fast web

Hola Browser meets video downloader,safe web browser and adblock features.

Total ratings

4.67 (Rating count: 150,944)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fast and stable browsing experience
  • Good ad blocker feature
  • UI is functional and has a decent design
  • Can handle multiple tabs without lag
  • Powerful barcode scanner
  • Video downloader is unreliable or fails to download from many sites
  • UI is slow and unresponsive at times
  • Frequent app crashes and poor handling of large files on download
  • Limited customization options and settings
  • Weak ad blocker that doesn't fully block intrusive ads
Most mentioned
  • Video downloader doesn't work reliably
  • Frequent crashes and slow UI
  • Limited privacy settings and customization
  • Needs better organization and management of tabs
  • Issues with downloading large files and video content
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.67
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26% (9)
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26% (9)
Date Author Rating Comment
It's a decent browser fast and stable.. Negatives: where is the front page news? And video downloader is not reliable doesnt work on most sites, and setting only have a few option, how about bring search bar to bottom, and news options
Hello Hi Browser/Hola Browser Devs. This browser is pre-installed on my phone, and id didn't use it for 1 Year. Because this browser is a full trash. It's scrolling is a garbage, UI is the worse, + it's untrusted! I can't even Customize it, what is this? And you say it's the best browser!? I recommend people to use Firefox/Brave. And please fix the bugs. They suck. Edit: I would give it 0 Star if there was option
Mgbabor Okechukwu
Good but had it been there are other ways to buy premium, millions of men in the zone is ready to buy but it has only an option, Yes that's too painful
A great browser for my phone and it doesn't lag when I open many multiple tab pages and it has a really good as blocker on which if I click the pages it doesn't go to other websites and a decent webpage design overall it's good
Kupal Ka
Such a perfect app for searching its very smooth and very fast I recommend you downloading this app cuz its just perfect
Rishabh MISHRA
It's very nice good and no problem is there in this app very very good..... Many advanced facilities are also available in this app
abdullah kamanger
Fast and clean browser specially the barcode scanner is very powerful, fast, accurate and reliable. Just very impressed with the bar code scanner.
Anand kumar
We need browser extension for this browser several people are using kiwi browser just to use metamask and other extensions, kindly add this feature
nageshwar rao adhikarala
Good browser but 102 Mb is not a small. Plus some time little bit slow.
Lawal Olaitan
This is unfair ooo, can't login to the app since yesterday, and ussd code is not working
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