FM Synthesizer [SynprezFM II]

SynprezFM is a precise and complete emulator of vintage 80s FM synthesizers

Total ratings

4.29 (Rating count: 17,163)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great sound quality and variety of synthesizer sounds
  • Free to use with no intrusive ads
  • User-friendly and capable features for sound modification
  • Works well with MIDI controllers and other studio equipment
  • Fun and engaging, leading users to learn music theory
  • Keyboard is too small, causing issues with hitting the correct notes
  • Difficulty in recording and saving sounds
  • Confusion with app access to storage or internal memory
  • Unexpected bugs when connecting to MIDI devices
  • UI could be more intuitive for easier navigation
Most mentioned
  • Issues with small keyboard size and mis-hitting notes
  • Difficulty in recording and saving music
  • App functions well with MIDI controllers
  • Great sound quality and synthesizer variety
  • Overall app reliability and access errors
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.29
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Date Author Rating Comment
Godwin Kwaku Husunukpe
I've not yet gotten all I should be able to do using my FM Synthesizer. Very good to have it though, my requisite skills would have to be sharpened a bit with few professional handling. I'm gathering what they are in bits. Thanks for your demanding this review.
Peter Kelley II
I've used this thing for at least ten years and it still is my number 2 asskicker it makes creates not no A I stuff but human touch ive gotten some great Intros & outrous , if I want I could play enxcess new sensations to baus haus to Deep purple sweet child in time , if I could play like deep purples Jon lord or rush it's free it's dependable !
Jon Palmer
Cool so far for sure Update: this app is so awesome. So many sounds, such cool sounds, super fun, they don't ask for nosy permissions, it's free, super rad, I just made a 1hr6mn jam recording on my other phone and on the in-app recorder. Thanks Synprez, you guys are awesome!!
Wong Kende
Can not open this app ! Today I tried the latest version, the sounds have great improvements. But when I connect it with a MIDI controller, it do not response in Android USB mode, when I switch to legacy USB mode, my phone reported that this app have bugs and the app cannot open. I am using a Samsung Galaxy A15. I later tested it with a Redmi Note 13, but the app still can't open. I tested some other musical instrument apps and they do not response either. So it may be a Android system problem.
Jay Smith
This is a real cool app and I really enjoy the old school synth modules on it I love them 1980s some sound like they're from the 70s and maybe 1990s and it's really cool it's easy to use if you even know what this app is so I have to say to the developer thank you for making this free I appreciate it and it's fun hearing those old school sounds. Sounds like something you would load up on a keyboard with a floppy disk. LoL
Randall Dague
App is very hard to use. Try doing a live performance on your phone with this app. And how is this usable in a recording. I mean analog signals from your headphone jack running into a splitter on two dedicated channels for stereo. It should be MIDI capable from jump. And the elephant in the room, on stage or anywhere you try to use this is, is that THE KEYBOARD IS WAY TOO SMALL TO USE.
Dan Reriro
Ok, if you have problems hitting keys texting indeed this is a similar challenge. But interesting sounds & synth controls this has. My experience with this is limited but I am amused. I'm an obsessed musician so it's a welcome toy. Those are my thoughts after a very short trial. My regards to designer. Must take a lot of work to come up with something like this.
I dont write reviews often but this app has had such a grip on me, i haven't stopped using it since i downloaded it a couple of months ago, i've been using it daily just because it's so much fun, so many parameters and possibilities, i started learning music theory seriously because of this. It's a magnificent piece of software, i sincerely thank you for your time and effort putting this together, my only "complain" is that i'd love to run it on my PC natively
Matt Weston
Best free music making app on android I have tried and all it is, is synths and keyboards. No drums or anything. Not a garage band but can make some cool elements.
Nathan C
Does everything I wanted it to! It's quite capable and intuitive, with a decent set of synths and lots of little things that just work, like after touch effects. My only suggestion would be to make the black key hitbox slightly larger (or have this be customizable if it isn't already); it's easy to miss and hit a white key instead.
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