Cover by SynergySuite

Manage restaurant schedules, swap shifts and communicate with your team.

Total ratings

4.11 (Rating count: 134)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Used for work, no problems.
  • Kinda slow and notifications are weird but alright
  • It's OK so far like a week I been using it
  • Can't download schedule or access important features.
  • Frequent login issues and crashes.
  • App becomes non-functional after a period of time.
Most mentioned
  • Loading issues when trying to download schedule.
  • Invalid username or password errors.
  • App crashes or becomes unresponsive.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.30
All time rating average: 4.11
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57% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
Jessie Lock
I cant download my schedule even after the new update
Kaitlyn Morris
This has been a great app for me, but I can't download my schedule anymore, it just indefinitely loads. I miss being able to see what time everyone works so I know when my friends are working with me
Patrick M
New glitch, can't download schedule with this new update. Just takes me to a page saying "download pending..." I actually left it open last night while I was sleeping and it still didn't download. This is disappointing
Noah Bilger
Used for work, no problems.
Ev Mo
Doesn't work for me or half of my co-workers, it's so broken for me that I can't just put my availability anymore I just had to request off days and hope I don't get scheduled mornings. My AGM literally used a Google sheet for everyone's availability and it works better. Really stresses my manager out.
Sydney Van Vleet
I can't access anything. It will allow me to login, but I can't request off, see my schedule, or see available shifts.
Staci Hinrichs
It won't let me logg in
Charlene Pickett
Same thing!!
Alycia Gawdun
Constantly had to Uninstall the app to get it to get the app to open for usage.
Kye Thurston
Only works half the time
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