Reviews of Airfob

List of user reviews and ratings for Airfob

Total ratings

3.67 (Rating count: 220)

Review summary

  • Works well on Bluetooth and NFC
  • Great solution for mobile access
  • Excellent app and smooth operation
  • Intermittent connection issues and failure to unlock doors
  • App fails to install or open consistently
  • Authentication errors and foreign language helpdesk
Most mentioned
  • Issues with app not opening or crashing
  • Problems with Bluetooth and NFC connectivity
  • Need for a Wear OS version of the app
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 3.67
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Date Author Rating Comment
Al Parelli
Does not install correctly on my phone. It failed miserably.
Viacheslav Sanzharov
WearOS application would be great :)
Romi Bhattacharjee
Even with nft & Bluetooth enables, it waits for mobile network to provide access. Every 5 mins it looses it's connection. Makes the user wait at the door for long time to reconnect and work. If I had a choice I would not use this app.
Ronnie Posner
The app helpdesk is in a foreign language. I am unable to access it and can not get help.
David Dekanozishvili
Please make Wear OS Version
abdul rahim
Today unable to open the door barrier. All bluetooth and location is on but failing to ooen the door
Lucas Lua
Intermittent unable to unlock the door, have to restart the phone.
Shoaib Khan
Great app but recently the app does not open. I tried clearing cache and storage and even uninstalling and reinstalling, but it opens for a flash and immediately closes.
Jayden Hunsue Lee
잦은 인증 오류와 낮은 인식률로 출입에 엄청난 불편을 겪음
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