Reviews of Classic Rock 106.7

List of user reviews and ratings for Classic Rock 106.7

Total ratings

3.25 (Rating count: 9)
See reviews for Classic Rock 106.7 on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 3.25

Rating filters

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75% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Claude P
Amazing station
Barbara Hash
I can not read the text in the app. It is in an Asian language. I love listening to the station on the radio. It is in English.
Jim Deffenderfer
App works good except for the times it just freezes up for no reason. I have to force stop it and reopen to get it to work again. Update: I have un-installed this app. The main reason is that it freezes up for no reason....or it quits playing music and says my connection is too slow...I have 5G with full bars and it tells me this 🙄
Michael Burton
Keeps having slow connection