App Permission & Tracker

Track and manage all apps permission at one place with App Permission & Tracker.

Total ratings

3.72 (Rating count: 238)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Provides good information about apps and their permissions
  • It can show hidden permissions that other apps don't reveal
  • Helpful for identifying malware in apps
  • Cannot change app permissions through the app
  • App is ad-heavy and forces tailored ads upon users
  • Slow performance and takes a long time to load information
Most mentioned
  • The app does not allow users to change permissions
  • Presence of excessive ads
  • It provides information about app trackers and potential spyware
See reviews for App Permission & Tracker on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 3.72
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Rating filters

5 star
38% (8)
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5% (1)
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10% (2)
1 star
43% (9)
Date Author Rating Comment
Ali Samet Şen
It just scans hour phone and tells there are apps. Like, you can just view app's name, version and source. There is a button for permissions but it's just that. Nothing happens.
Roman Ortega
Permission is granted to download and control this devise
Love Love
Why it doesn't request permission, I have a screenshot shows that it's null , why what can it do without any permission
Jeffrey Leo
Helpful But In My Device It's not Much Cause I Can't Actually CHANGE Permissions in my version of Android
Daniel DK
THEY Spy on your Phone and track your location.
you can't change any the permissions using this app so it is pointless
Misty D Griffith
I download this app and i never could find it well i guess that hacker did and stoo it from getting into my phone , please help me stoo her
Jhun Paul Talasan
Goods for all apps
Soe Win Mg
Long time waiting for start run apk
Kenneth Quarles (Kenny)
Not worth the time to load it ! It took to load in My phone & couldnt accomplish nothing that I loaded it for !!!
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