Reviews of Street View Live Earth Map

List of user reviews and ratings for Street View Live Earth Map

Total ratings

2.25 (Rating count: 308)

Review summary

  • Easy to find locations and addresses quickly.
  • Intuitive user interface and smooth navigation.
  • Ability to create personalized lists of favorite places.
  • Constant updates to the database for new streets and locations.
  • 360-degree panoramas and street view tours enhance user experience.
  • Assumes users have a high level of geographic knowledge.
  • Lacks location names in some areas.
  • Requires registration to use, which users find unnecessary.
  • Inconsistent live satellite view, with outdated images.
  • Some users experienced issues with inaccurate mapping.
Most mentioned
  • Smooth navigation and user interface.
  • Frequent updates and new features.
  • Issues with live map accuracy.
  • Request for not needing to register.
  • App's effectiveness in finding locations.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Street View Live Earth Map on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 2.25
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10% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
It is not self teaching as many other apps. It assumes all people are professional geographers. Therefore, it has lost a lot of excellent customers in our community, especially surveyors and engineers.
Anand Moses
Good app, location and destinations address found quick. Satisfactory.
Sukhbir Singh
It has saved me countless times from getting lost and helped me descover hidden games in different neighborhoods . Highly recommended ! "......
Ayush Kumar
"I appreciate how the app constantly updates its database to include new streets and locations."......
Firdous Yasinali
"The app's intuitive search bar makes it easy to find specific locations, even if I don't know the exact address.".....
"The ability to share specific locations with friends and family is a great feature."....
Prabhjot kaur
"I love how the app allows me to create personalized lists of favorite places to visit.".....
Rajinder Kaur Saniya Mehra
"The app's smooth and seamless navigation makes it a pleasure to use."......
Rupinder Kaur
"The app's street view tours feature allows me to virtually explore famous landmarks and tourist attractions."......
Shivam pal
"The app's ability to show popular times for businesses has helped me avoid long lines and crowded places.".......
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