Stock Advisors: Invest Smarter

Stock market app that provides a platform to select stocks to invest in

Total ratings

3.92 (Rating count: 102)

Review summary

  • Good stock picks, can be improved better.
  • User reported a significant profit (up 38% in 5 months).
  • Limited options and features.
  • Not suitable for the Indian market.
  • Users find the app useless for stock advice.
  • High cost with no preview of content before payment.
  • Poor customer support.
Most mentioned
  • Useless for our market (Indian/Canadian users)
  • Limited app and features.
  • Costly without clear benefit.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 3.92
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Rating filters

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55% (11)
Date Author Rating Comment
Nyalchand Vanechand
All stocks are not available in this app
Binod Kumar
Not for Indian market
Christopher Taylor
Leaning a little phicicks ...
Sitaram Ganugapati
Love their portfolio based on fundemental models
Hitesh Sharma
This app is not related to our Indian market and I uninstalled it. I request all guys to don't invest in US market. Invest in Indian market to make our currency strong. Also I used chat in this app but no one was there to help. Useless for us.
Tracy Nguyen
I am going for it now and I love her so much for me were always going for a walk in my book business and she loves her husband back in time for the rest of the year and i'm going back and she loves me so I have been able for more and I will have you in a very small person and you will get me out and they have to go home to eat them all but they don't know anh well I just wanted you out there soon after her wedding is coming up tomorrow night and i'm gonna be happy with him in my family and
Noel M. Nobleza
Good stock picks, can be improved better.
Very poor at what it's supposed to do.
Avalon Blue
This is not even worth the one star I gave it. They don't give stock advice instead they ask the users to post stock ideas, they blocked me from chat when I asked when did they intend to give stock advice. This app is useless and garbage.
Alton A Roberson III
It didn't do anything it would notify you a potential stock to jump on and probably make a good quick profit but then when you would get to the 1st page no matter what I hit it went nowhere. It should of been able to take you right to the information even if all you could do is write it down and go to another app to buy the stock. Actually I gave it one star too many and the one star I did give was for the notification cause that's all I got.
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