World War Defense

Protect your squad from enemy troops

Total ratings

4.52 (Rating count: 16,983)

Review summary

  • Gameplay allows advancement without spending money
  • Good art style and concept
  • Short and entertaining ads
  • Ability to strategize different approaches
  • Can play and successfully advance through levels without paying
  • Excessive reliance on ads, which can lead to crashes
  • High costs for upgrading units
  • Repetitive gameplay over time
  • Presence of bugs impacting gameplay experience
  • Paywall becomes increasingly steep at higher levels
Most mentioned
  • Issues with ads causing crashes and bugs
  • High costs for leveling up characters
  • Repetitive gameplay leading to boredom
  • Ability to progress without spending money but with limitations
  • Gameplay speed frustrations without subscription
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.52
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Date Author Rating Comment
David Crissman jr
Gameplay is good just was disappointed when I have to watch ads to upgrade my troops ads should be free to bypass with the subscription. Update... the expense of training camp gets a little excessive. I have encountered a bug at lvl 150 unit training. My guy is taking 24 hours and the ads now only do 5 min instead of 1 hrs. Pleade fix my other lvl 150s we're only 12 hours to upgrade. Fix bug thanks
Jay King
This game is pathetic, I've been playing it for over a year, They don't give you any gold or diamonds you earn of gameplay.They actually take away the ones that I already earned to try to make you spend money. Greedy company, don't ever download any of their games
Glynis Antecristo
The game is very hard but when you complete the levels is just feels amazing good concept good art
Norm Smith
Fun and challenging but repetitive once you figure out the strategies. You can advance without spending money, you just have to be patient while you earn coins over time from mining. The better upgrades require spending real money. Was thinking about deleting it because I just keep doing the same things over and over again. Update: It just got too repetitive which is boring, so I did delete it.
MS Archive
I'm on wave 120 using the technician and typhoon. You cant even use these guys, especially together. The knockback from Typhoon and Tornado keeps the other tank out of frame, so you can only do a few thousand damage before it comes back into frame, its very annoying and makes the wave last 3-4x longer than it should. Looks like i have to switch the technician and typhoon out for something else.
Hui Tat Sim
Although you have the option to p2w, allow you to advance far. But this game allow f2p like me to kill time. Furthermore you can use different strategies. The best is there is no such thing as energy to play. Like all other useless game. Have to pay to recharge energy... Lame.. Those game doesn't have much player left. This game is really the best.
Chris Goodman
Pretty ok fun game. I like the player's progression and the military complex for the most part. However, a Monthly Subscription being tied to the game speed is ludicrous. The game basically comes to a halt at that point if you don't have the subscription or recently received a X2 speed, 10 min bonus from a mission. Gaming on X1 speed at higher lvls is terrible. It literally takes more than 10 to 20 mins or more sometimes to complete ONE stage. That's ridiculous! It's so very veeeery boring.
rancid crawfish
Decent enough time killer. But the further along you get, the higher the pay wall gets. By the time your units are due for an upgrade from level 49>50, it'll cost you $1M coins to do so. To get to level 49 costs roughly $100k, which is easy enough with the in game coin system. So they're almost forcing you to buy those stupid gems with real money in order to exchange them for coins..if you want more effective units anyway
ho sylvester
It is very good. But some times the enemy's health on the map is very high it takes forever to win.Some times I Battelle them for 15 min.
Ryan Vert
5 star rating all around. Made a $3 purchase for no adds and unlimited play speed. Made the game so much better instead of being stuck with .5 and X1 speed play. I'm also waiting to see when Clan battles come out. I'll be happy to join and play them when available. Other than that, please bring Clan battles soon because I'm seriously waiting to slaughter whoever wants to fight. Side note for the cons of the game. Bring the towers to map battles and the game would be perfect. Short and simple!
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