Insect Spider & Bug identifier

Identify Insect through AI Spider picture ID to find detail as Bug Identifier

Total ratings

2.99 (Rating count: 813)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • App is riddled with ads
    • Ineffective at identifying insects
    • Crashes frequently
    • Poor photo cropping and scanning features
    • Premium subscription seems unnecessary for casual users
    Most mentioned
    • Too many ads
    • App crashes or is non-functional
    • Inaccurate insect identification
    • Photo cropping issues
    See reviews for Insect Spider & Bug identifier on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.00
    All time rating average: 2.99
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    Rating filters

    5 star
    25% (6)
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    75% (18)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Nelly Bonus
    I cant take a photo
    Yusuf Siraj
    Too many ads and virtually non functional
    Homer Shimshon
    Full of ads which crash the app. Useless.
    Melissa Martenstyn
    This app is not usable. It crashed twice just on opening. Photos are auto cropped and partially or totally cuts out the insect I'm trying to identify - no way to manually recrop once it 'auto detects'. The weekly premium subscription doesn't make sense for casual users. Most features don't seem to be functioning yet unless the goal here is to get users to pay the premium before the app works properly. Disappointing.
    Siobhan H
    Simply doesn't work. Choosing a picture shows you a bizarrely zoomed in / cropped image that you can't change. Clicking scan says it's scanning then it just drops you back at the identify page and nothing has happened. Don't understand how this is still up on the Play store, to be honest. It's just a vehicle to show you ads.
    Michael Kagen
    Nothing but ads. Not sure there's even an up here.
    Coder Person
    Contains heaps of ads, almost on every action, but the main issue is it's INACCURATE. Having a good-quality wild bee picture it either didn't find anything or found a bee from another continent! While been showing me tons of ads. Keep away.
    Jeffery Wilson
    Up front, I am not good with phones. I have downloaded over 100 apps for work and hobbies. I get angry when they make it difficult to navigate thru/past the premium and ads and installs for other apps. I wanted to identify a very large spider in my home tonight. When I add apps in this manner, if I like them I will sign up prem. svcs. 40 min & don't know what spider it was, and I'm mad as hell. I wish the folks that build these things would simply do the right thing once in a while. 0☆s, 5 Derps
    Alex Brown
    Awful. Identifications arent even close and it's riddled with ads. Funnily enough, one scan on Google lense identified every insect correctly which this app failed at.
    sylvia myhill
    Too ad heavy. Can't even identify anything without 15 ads preventing you from seeing something that should take 5 seconds to identify. Uninstall instantly!
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