Infinity: Project Management

Ultra-flexible work management app that lets you organize any type of data.

Total ratings

3.07 (Rating count: 155)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • The web app is well-received and considered very good.
  • Quick and effective customer support.
  • Potential for the app to be enhanced and useful in project management.
  • Slow loading times and performance issues.
  • Limited functionality compared to the desktop version.
  • UI/UX needs significant improvement.
  • Missing key features like recurring tasks, push notifications, and widgets.
Most mentioned
  • Slow loading and performance issues.
  • Poor mobile UI/UX compared to desktop.
  • Limited functionality on Android app.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 3.07
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Rating filters

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29% (6)
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19% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Hekmat Hallak
Tasks stuck in this app at "To Do" and don't change to "done" ever, I don't know why 💩
Zul Azhan Abu Bakar
The app has potential and I am supporting it. But the development for mobile and web app needs to be faster and better.
Tam Tama
The app for the desktop is very good but for the mobile need more improvement at UI/UX.
Дана Јовановић
Notification never takes you to what is about. Both desk and mobile app. Mail notification takes you to browser and not to app.
Arif Mohamed
Infinity is a great software, I have been using for about an year now. Their help team response is very quick and effective. However I am not happy with the loading speed. If they can fix the speed issue. Infinity will be the best.
Clifford Summers
Infinity is one of the best management solutions available. Their entire platform is gold, give them a shot.
Dean Brooke
Excellent. The best value project management app on the marker IMHO. Lots of scope to add crms, sales pipelines, whatever you need basically and the value for money is unbeatable.
Andrew Adly
Looking forward to see a template that can connect crm and invoices together... so that I won't have to add data two times!
Terry Ryan
This was a very good tool. I found the Staff and tools available very helpful.
Allen Gwinn
The security problems have been fixed, and new features added. If you looked at it before, now might be a good time to take another look. Great product!!
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