Starbucks Chile

Top up your card, pay with your cell phone, accumulate Stars

Total ratings

4.83 (Rating count: 11,067)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and well designed.
  • Helps to save time and keep track of money and rewards.
  • Allows payment directly through the app.
  • Frequent login issues and error messages.
  • App crashes quite often.
  • Inconsistent connection with the store system.
Most mentioned
  • Cannot login or get 'No response from server' error.
  • App crashes when opened or during use.
  • App logs users out unexpectedly.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 4.83
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Date Author Rating Comment
Angela Hempel
More than half the time the app does not work, either I can not login (without any explanation, and I checked the password with the website) or I get a message that there was a problem, also without any explanation and the app goes right back to the login page.
Not working, I can't sing in, keeps saying that the app needs a valid network connection, what does it mean??
Angelo Sarrocchi
App doesn't work, first it keeps on crashing, then I delete it and reinstall and then I can't sign in because it always says Error something has gone wrong, even if I try to reset password
Valentina Lizana
App crashes everytime I try to open it after I loged into my account... Very disapointed...
Eduardo Castrillon
Good App, you can pay directly using your phone screen. The only detail to improve is that the app logs you off every once in a while, and there's no option no autofill user and password using Google Passwords. Had to reset password a few times using the website, and it doesn't refresh the app instantly.
Cristobal Ossa
I hope it's only me... But this app doesn't show the products???? How it's possible??? If I want to make a purchase in my mind I came to the supplier after I bought I choose the delivery... Can you imagine Amazon don't showing the products and tell you... Check at the delivery companies!!!!..... Wakeup Starbucks!🙈
A Google user
This is an easy to use app, I like it. The only issue is that sometimes the store system is not able to read it and you end paying the traditional way, but still good to have.
A Google user
Great app, but its just 3 bc credit Card auto - charge system needs to be improved. Usually charges more than once, and its a mess to manage my finances.
A Google user
There are many issues in the app. The most awful is when you aren't able to log. The only solution for me is reinstall... So bad
A Google user
Kept getting "No response from server". Uninstall and install again, and now it gives me "Something went wrong". It was working great until a few weeks ago.
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