Starbucks UAE

The Starbucks® App

Total ratings

3.79 (Rating count: 5,868)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Constantly crashing and unable to log in
    • Inconsistent points accumulation and rewards redemption
    • Poor customer support and lack of response to issues
    • Requires frequent updates that are often unavailable
    • App performance has degraded significantly over time
    Most mentioned
    • App crashes frequently and fails to log users in
    • Inability to accumulate or redeem points due to app issues
    • Frustration over unresponsive customer service
    • Issues with app updates causing access problems
    • Loss of accumulated points and rewards due to app malfunctions
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.40
    All time rating average: 3.79
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    89% (24)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Andrei Kochemirovskii
    One day it logged me out. After that I can't recover the password, This functionality just is not working
    Abdul Rehman Siddiqui
    useless APp registration not working login not working even forget passport session is not working as just keep login and then nothing happend
    Naziha Ali
    It hangs every few days. Right now it hasn't worked for 2 weeks and at thr coffee shop they don't know what to do.
    Reno Mindemann
    Like many other reward apps in th UAE the Starbucks app also keeps failing on updating your reward points balance. It feels like you have to buy 20 coffees before finally having accumulated enough points to redeem for a free beverage. At the moment, it seems like it stopped adding points altogether.
    Bernard Fox
    App is now useless. Takes minutes to open. I have lost many points lately as staff are not prepared to wait for it to open. Points system is great but the app is now terrible and annoying as it takes so long to open. No response from Starbucks to numerous complaints on here. Whoever is running the UAE operation needs sacking. Terrible customer service. No way of contacting them to raise issues. I am thinking of switching to another companies coffee shop after years of Starbucks loyalty
    Sophie Farina
    The app is constantly crashing. After multiple times of uninstalling and reinstalling, it never seems to keep me logged in even when I do a biometric log in or password.
    Abdulla Alfalahi
    App Crashed after recent update. After the update I can't access the app as it requests for update while it is already updated.
    Bbpanda Vvbear
    Asking for update but update ia mot avail. Unable to use app
    Helen Abdullah
    Usually great, but now it Keeps telling me to update, but there is no update on play store, so I can't log in 😞
    Bakyt Niiazov
    the app requires an update, but after updating it is still showing unskippable popup requiring an update clearing data and clearing cache didn't help Update: reinstalling the app didn't solve it
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