Star Survivor:Premium

Survive epic space battles in an offline roguelike bullet heaven adventure

Total ratings

4.64 (Rating count: 2,546)

Review summary

  • Fun and engaging gameplay
  • Variety of weapons and strategies
  • Good replayability with different builds
  • Exciting shoot'em up action
  • Tactical deck building elements
  • Frequent crashes and freezing issues
  • Poor audio control settings
  • Visual clarity issues with dark backgrounds
  • Balancing problems making higher difficulties too easy
  • Unsatisfactory experience gain and collection mechanics
Most mentioned
  • Crashes and freezing during gameplay
  • Dark backgrounds make it hard to see enemies and projectiles
  • Need for better audio control
  • Issues with game balance and difficulty scaling
  • Lack of polish and optimization
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.64
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Date Author Rating Comment
jason mahar
Yeah.... I'm sorry for leaving a one star review on this. Also sorry that I got a refund. It crashed and that kinda stinks. I'll buy it again. This game is superb. I remember the first time I played vampire survivors. Thought it was going to be dumb but I tried it anyway. I loved it. These type of games are exciting. Every time you play there's something new to discover and/or change. So much replayability. So... Thank you! Thank you for letting us play your games.
Drear Mouse
Shockingly great little game with a nice mix of shoot'em up action & tactical deck building that can feel a bit overwhelming at first, but still is just super fun to experiment with, strategize & play for a few hours. There is a bit of slowdown after an hour or so, which is a bit of a drag, so personally have to restart the game to get it running well again. Other than that, it's some pretty good fun & definitely worth checkin' out.
Anthony Nagy
Gameplay is really good, the challange and variety of the enemy is nice as well. Though, the main setback that keeps the experiance from perfection is the lack of any grace periods, cooldowns, or other forms of protection after selecting an upgrade in match, or especially after being damaged. The player should always be given some short amount of time after being hit, in order to avoid instant death when the crouds get too dence in later levels.
Dude Head
After every level, regardless of what you do, the game declares that the 'enemy queen is destroyed and we survive another day...'. Once you beat the boss at very end, it says the same. If you die, it gives a compelling "Game over, man...". The sound effects and music would possibly have held up on Newgrounds a couple decades ago. The weapons are stagnant and boring, the enemies are slow, tanky, and also boring. The graphics are bland. The EMP enemies are especially annoying and prominent.
Joey Jones
I love the game play and all the weapons and combinations are really cool, however I wish there was an option to have a brighter background because it can be hard to see some enemies on the dark background. maybe an option in the settings to always have one of the lighter colored backgrounds?
Craig Schnabel
Good space themed survivor game with nice variety on builds, but feels like it's still early access. Targeting issues, balancing issues, visibility issues. Minor things that take it from great to just pretty good. It's a battery killer too, especially you have to turn up the brightness to see asteroids and other hazards. Decks are for challenge and endless only, in campaign you just draw from all possible cards. I think that confused a lot of other reviewers.
Mark McDonald
Really like the game, and happy it's on mobile now. Fun, frantic action. But unfortunately I'm unable to get the game to run at all for the past month or two. I just get a black screen, it closes, then takes me to the game's page here on the Play Store. Kinda strange, and I really wish I could play honestly. Using a Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra. 04/15/24 Update: I've uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times now. Would any developers here happen to have any advice on how to go about fixing this?
Josh Nissim
I want to like this game more. There is a solid foundation here but some things about it just aren't great. Freezes are common, lasting 10 seconds+. Otherwise performance is good, if a little heavy on the battery. I do like the weapon variety and combos. Wish there was a way to heal in combat w/o a consumable. The Hornet ship is the only one worth using, mostly. Also, the movement - we are in SPACE, so why do I feel like I'm swimming in mud? Momentum needs to continue, as in Event Horizon.
Gameplay is lots of fun, but once you start building halfway decent decks, even "impossible" difficulty is too easy. My record in Impossible Endless is 4.5 hours (and only ended because the game crashed). Ideas for improvement: add explanations for game mechanics (it took a while to figure out how cards work, and I still don't know what overcharge is); add a cloud save feature; spawn bosses periodically in Endless; add more variety of bosses (and add abilities to the bosses that just sit there).
Hunter Lind
One of the best games out, but UI needs overhaul. This is a 5 star experience coupled with 2 star menu systems and interface. Ive been playing for weeks and I'm still not sure how the card system *truly* works. I mean, I know the basics, but the devs need to get together and come up with a way to present the information in a more logical manner to us. Make it simpler, guys. Don't let the user have more than 1 deck at a time in the entire game. But overall, its still AWESOME and I rec. it to all!
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