Scan the barcode and manage them as lists. you can save lists as text file.
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Review summary
- Easy to make and export lists of barcodes
- No duplicate scans allowed
- Fast and accurate scanning
- User-friendly and simple interface
- Helpful for basic stock-taking and organization
- No option to copy scanned items directly to clipboard
- Exporting text requires going through multiple steps
- Inability to rescan barcodes and track quantity
- Camera focus issues on certain devices
- Permissions for exporting need to be reset frequently
Most mentioned
- Need for a copy to clipboard option
- Issues with exporting text files
- Requests for additional features like timestamps and front-facing camera support
- Positive feedback on ease of use and efficiency
- Complaints about scanning speed, particularly with QR codes
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User
reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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Date | Author | Rating | Comment |
2024-11-17 | Please add number When a scan ean then after automatic manul option on .. | ||
2024-11-02 | Makes ny job significantly easier. It's a little slow at reading QR codes, though. | ||
2024-10-27 | easy to make a list of barcodes for export | ||
2024-10-24 | As described this app allows you to build a list of barcodes without allowing duplicates. I like how you can easily copy the list to your clipboard to share in another app. Unfortunately this app won't work for me as I need to be able to scan a barcode multiple times and list the quantity. I wish this app could allow rescanning of a barcode and add a count suffix to the value if it's been scanned multiple times. That would make this app perfect for me. | ||
2024-10-02 | Simple effective for bulk scans. | ||
2024-08-23 | The best of over 10 that I tried. People are wrong when they complain that it saves as a .zip file, but there is an option save as .txt Great app, thank you! | ||
2024-06-18 | This app is truly helpful for basic stock taking in a small office. Is it possible to add an option to include the timestamp when we export as a txt file? Currently, it only shows the barcode. | ||
2024-06-11 | Great app, although for me some reason I have to keep resetting the file permission when I want to export, after I allow in app it just does it once, after that hitting export does nothing. Which isn't a huge inconvenience considering how great this app is otherwise. | ||
2024-06-05 | Was looking for a app to scan a sequence of barcodes to save as a list. Wow...this is perfect! Thanks to the developer for a great free to use product. So simple and efficient to use. Scan with your phobe camera, create a list and export or save info in a file for later use. Some cool functions like rejecting/accepting duplicate barcodes and more. So many other options out there...but the adds will drive you nuts. Must have deleted half a dozen before discovering this gem :-) | ||
2024-04-14 | UPDATE: I mention a suggestion & a few days later developer has added it. Some people may prefer a togglable date/time option but it shows dev reads reviews :) OLD REVIEW: Stumbled across this while looking for qr reader.Does 80% of what I need with no ads. Couple of suggestions.... 1) have settings to add time/date stamps to each qr when it was scanned.... 2) Home screen shortcut that when tapped auto opens app/collection & starts camera for quick access |
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