Reviews of KBO

List of user reviews and ratings for KBO

Total ratings

2.82 (Rating count: 385)

Review summary

  • Great idea for a sport
  • Decent app to check scores
  • Looks to be a great app for users familiar with Korean sports
  • Lack of English language support
  • Annoying sound when the app opens
  • Limited functionality during live games
Most mentioned
  • Need for English language version
  • Issues with app sound
  • Desire for more gameplay stats visibility
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for KBO on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 2.82

Rating filters

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Date Author Rating Comment
Orishi Fababa 2
Great idea for a sport but baseball fans and players are bitchy
nam seok Jeong
Something wrong app,
Eric Busch
It's a decent app to check scores, but two things would be nice: 1. Get rid of the terrible sound when the app opens. It doesn't sound like a baseball hitting a wooden bat, and it's annoying since it turns off audio on all other apps for this one stupid little sound. 2. When a game is in play, you can't click on it to see what TV station it's on- only before it starts. You also can't see any box score either. They want you to create an account amd log in just to see a box score, which is lame.
Ramon Gerardo Gonzalez
It needs an english language version
Moly Rozario
Plz we want english version for playing dream11
Jason Harrington
It looks to be a great app, if you know Korean.
saurabh mishra
Please give stats in english language its helpful for indian users
Ravi Roushan
We need English language
A Google user
Good app, although an English language option would be great
A Google user
we need an english version