Reviews of Specialized Lead Out

List of user reviews and ratings for Specialized Lead Out
See reviews for Specialized Lead Out on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.50
All time rating average: undefined

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5 star
33% (2)
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17% (1)
1 star
50% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Jones Hendrix
Good one
Charles Brucklier
I don't have a clue what I am looking for.
Michaela Lubbe
App keeps crashing
David Roberts
I have downloaded this app to help customers at work. As with other reviews I am unable to sign in. All of my work colleagues have the app and are using it with no problems, however they are all apple users and I'm android! Is there an issue for android users?
Bizzy Butterworth
I am also having the same issue as Laura and unable to sign in once I have downloaded the app - just a blank white page
Laura Mann
I downloaded the app to use in store at work. I'm unable to sign in to the app. When I press sign in it goes to a blank white page with a red loading circle that spins. The page will not load. It does this on the sign up page too. My colleague who also has an android phone has experienced the same issue. Whereas my colleagues who have iPhones can login and use the app really easily.