Golf (Turbo) Solitaire

A simple and relaxing card game, optimised for the phones and tablets

Total ratings

4.43 (Rating count: 149)
See reviews for Golf (Turbo) Solitaire on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.43

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Date Author Rating Comment
A Google user
I love the game once again. For anyone that wants to play the king over the ace and the reverse you have to go into options, game options, put a check in the box for timed game then go right below that to time limit, now you have to select one of the three times you cannot select on unlimited that only worked in the old version so now the game will show while you are playing a timed countdown
A Google user
A Google user
A Google user
Cards are really, really small. Can't adjust size. Sucks. Pictures lie /there's no option for card size.
A Google user
Before I updated my Toshiba Thrive Tablet to 4.0 this solitaire game worked perfectly but now the card will not turn over correctly and it just plays like crap. Guess they just don't care about android users! I have since uninstalled it!