Cleaning Inspection Checklist

Complete checklist for the audit and inspection of any specified area.

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2.67 (Rating count: 12)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.40
All time rating average: 2.67

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Date Author Rating Comment
Charmaine Goosen
Need to be up front that it's $5 per month to use.
Benjamin A. D.
Must create an account and pay $5/month to use a checklist app? Useless.
John Cruse
Blocked by immediate paywall
A Google user
I like it. When creating a room it would be nice to have a list in it that you can customize and check if it was clean or dirty verses just having an option to mark the general status of the entire room. Just would be nice to have a checklist to mark was was and was not cleaned in that particular room. Also, would be nice to be able to take multiple pictures to show the unclean thinks. That way when you send it out to share the status of the room for a client or tenant or management they can see exactly what they missed by the checklist and the photos taken to correspond with those failed items. Love the app would love to see these changes.
A Google user
It would not even install. Waste of. time