Reviews of Mp3 Downloader Music Download

List of user reviews and ratings for Mp3 Downloader Music Download

Total ratings

4.60 (Rating count: 261,050)

Review summary

  • Fast downloading of songs
  • Easy to use interface
  • Wide range of available songs including older tracks
  • Songs can be played offline once downloaded
  • Too many ads before and after downloading songs
  • Frequent errors during downloads
  • Some songs are not available or cannot be downloaded
Most mentioned
  • Excessive ads
  • Downloading speed and ease of use
  • Issues with downloading certain songs or experiencing errors
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.60
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Rating filters

5 star
53% (31)
4 star
17% (10)
3 star
7% (4)
2 star
9% (5)
1 star
14% (8)
Date Author Rating Comment
Mohamed farid
It's fantastic but there is some songs that is not original and it's slowed but over all it's a great app I will recommend to install it
Blessing Zungu
Very good app. Its works flawless and it doesn't take long in just a few seconds you have the song you like when using this app
Way too many ads! I get it it's a free app, but just to preview the song, before you download, there's an ad. Then, to download the song, you have to watch an ad. And it didn't have some songs I was looking for that were fairly new. I'll keep looking for another app with fewer ads. This is just too time-consuming.
Busisiwe Mashinini
The app is good but sometimes when i wanna download it talks about errors but after i updated it worked smoothly
Android Market
Small file size. Easy downloading. Normally humans are not capable of maintaining what is good. This is just a simple app for all to enjoy, to make life enjoyable. Pray the owners and/or other advocates don't go messing up unnecessarily!!
It's quite quick and amazing. Though there are a few ads, I believe it was supposed to do that. Overall it's an amazing app to be honest ☺️☺️☺️☺️
Iah cast
Good app. Music downloader . Fast music downloader but slow in playing ... But it's okay. .
Khomotso Maredi
I can get any dong regardless how old it is downside is too many ads and reading of error when downloading songs . But all in all I'm loving the app
Jonjon Gange
It's great because I can download the music I want and I also found the music that I find long ago
Nbn Marker
it does work perfectly it's a great app that I think it could help a lot in the country or the whole world keep upgrading
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