Easy Quran Memorizer

Easy Quran memorizer app is a user-friendly app for memorizing the Holy Quran

Total ratings

4.37 (Rating count: 407)

Review summary

  • Amazing for Quran memorization and recitation
  • Wide variety of reciters available
  • Simple and easy to use interface
  • No ads and free to use
  • Helpful features for planning and tracking memorization
  • Issues with audio downloading after updates
  • Lack of advanced features for repetition and memorization technique
  • Inadequate support for translations in various languages
  • Favorite and planning tabs need improvement in functionality
  • Dark theme not applied to the app
Most mentioned
  • Request for Urdu translation
  • Need for a repeat function for multiple ayahs
  • Desire for improvements in audio downloading functionality
  • Suggestions for additional reciter customization
  • Issues with the last read and light settings
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.37
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Date Author Rating Comment
Sumaiya Ashraf
The app is amazing. There are just a few stuff that i would like to be added. I would like it if there was the uthmani font. And, it's amazing to see that multiple new reciters have been added. 1 thing to fix with the download option is that i would really like it if i could download every single ayah with just 1 tap instead of selecting each and every surah for downloads. Jazakallahu khairan for all the efforts put into this app.
M Israr
Masha Allah. Good App. Please add urdu translation and auto scroll option. Jazaka Allah khair
Cannot download audio.. Seems like issue after update
Farhaad Omar
Alhumdullah. This app is amazing. Thank you to the developers. Allah swt continue to reward with intellect in the work you do. Inshallah Update- After the new update the app stopped working. The audio doesn't download completely.
Zahiduzzaman Biswas
Definitely one of the best Quran apps. For a long time this was the only app with husary muallim recitation. I was genuinely benefitted by the mercy of Allah.
Sulaiman Abdulsalam
It's about the best Quran app I have used so far. It has been very helpful for my Quran recitation and memorisation. Please what capacity of SD card do I need to download the whole Quran for this app? Jazzakallahu khairan.
shaffi mohammed
Very useful for all quranic readers and memorizers. Dark theme not applied for this app. Kindly look into this suggestion. May Allah benifit you in both worlds. ameen
Masha Allah, May God rewards the developer and his team for this great app.which is a fantastic work that improve my Islamic knowledge,a great work indeed, but it's only needs to improve in the area of last read, lights on when using the app, and smart scroll . May God continue to guide you Amin.
Respect Team Assalamoulaikum, I pray to Allah SWT to make you successful hereafter and also in this world and you on Iman Amen! I wonder, if possible to repeat the word separately, those who have difficulty in proper pronunciation with tajweed it will be helpful. Please include Urdu translation it will be very beneficial.
Faris Abdella
It is the best app that help & enable me to easily memorize the holly Qur'an little by little . So I would like the app so much !!!
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