Reviews of Skyline Financial FCU

List of user reviews and ratings for Skyline Financial FCU

Total ratings

4.50 (Rating count: 14)
See reviews for Skyline Financial FCU on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.50

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Date Author Rating Comment
Janice Eichenauer
So convenient and easy to use.
Megatoxic Studios
This app is pretty convenient and easy to use. Does everything you would expect without any issues. One improvement i'd like to see is a more visual representation of my account balance. Maybe a colored line graph of my balance over the course of the month, or bar graphs that can show/compare my monthly withdrawals amount vs deposits (or expenses vs income, etc.). Thanks! :)
Works as intended
Mike G
Please bring back the option like the old website where you can add a comment for your transactions or transfers. That was extremely helpful to track all of your transactions!!!
michael St John
Very good
Renee Gill
This app falls far short of what its capabilities should be. 4 months since its rollout and it still cannot do remote deposits.
joshua folta
So far it works!