Clash Of Thrones

Build your base and defend against enemy attacks

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4.00 (Rating count: 29)
See reviews for Clash Of Thrones on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.00

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Date Author Rating Comment
James T
Very good game, too bad there is no futher sequel
Soniejoy Villagonza
Blah blah
Gosu Gen
Wow I didn't think this game would be this good the potential of this game is huge however very few content (Make more lvl and an infinite mode with a very huge continent) add a Sandbox mode where players can create their own level. There's also a bug going on where the spear(The skill forever there) although it was fun to use since I'm gaining advantage at early game I just want the developers to know. I also wish they could add a wall and we could put the army around the map strategically.
KGF Bhai
Samantha Tolbert
Excellent Job