DJ Mixer Player - Music DJ app

DJ Music Player - Mix music & create tracks! Remix songs using pro sound effects

Total ratings

3.83 (Rating count: 2,015)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good graphics and features
  • Entertaining and enjoyable for leisure time
  • Some users appreciate the app's potential for learning
  • Excessive ads that interrupt usage
  • Frequent crashing and unresponsiveness
  • Basic features are missing and not enough DJ options
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • App crashes or is unresponsive
  • Limited features or functionality
See reviews for DJ Mixer Player - Music DJ app on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 3.83
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60% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
will G
Doesn't play whole song too many ads this sucks
Gilbert Preciado
App after app I keep getting rid of so far all of them SUCK!
Roy Ridge
I JUST installed the app and only 3-5 minutes in it kept crashing on me. It gave this app 4.5. come on man get it together I'm just looking for a program to do I can match some tempos and blem some tracks and can't even get this app to work smh. Sorry but I can't give good review for something that doesn't work
Deebo Boss
It's a bit low when playing. But good to work with .
Okiemute Precious
It's so amazing and great feature let's proceed with it
It's good for leisure Time and so enjoyable
Myrthel Addun
How can I export the sound direct to my storage??? The entire app was great, I just can't export my sound
Travoy Ottey
I Like the graphics for it, make it look like a virtual dj thou, it can use play music meantime. 👍👍💯
Stembiso Promise
Hey this app is nice but ads are so anoying
Johan Bruintjies
Very entertianing and a good learning app enjoy thnx
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