
Jump is a new augmented reality app which makes you Jump into whole new world

Jump - Your AR Adventure Awaits

"Jump" is an innovative augmented reality app that immerses users in a fantastical world filled with engaging AR effects, fun stickers, and creative editing options. You can shoot content featuring 4D celebrities, transform yourself into whimsical characters, and play with adorable animals. With constantly updated quality content, Jump enables you to express your creativity and share your unique AR experiences with friends and family. Get ready to leap into a world of endless fun with Jump!
Install from Google Play Store

App stats

By: SKTelecom
Downloads: 971,028
Version: (Last updated: 2023-07-05)
Creation date: 2021-03-23
Full description: See detailed description


Other platforms

Not available on Chrome
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge

User reviews

Very laggy at startup page where you have to rendering 3ds artists that may you don't want to see it, and we can't see 3ds clearly with permanent title at the top of the app
by Afganibra, 2022-04-29

by A Google user, 2019-03-23
View all user reviews

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