Reviews of Invoice Maker & Quick Receipt

List of user reviews and ratings for Invoice Maker & Quick Receipt

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4.31 (Rating count: 41)
See reviews for Invoice Maker & Quick Receipt on Google Play Store
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Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.31
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Date Author Rating Comment
Charles Julius Jr.
Papua New Guinea Kina is not registered as a currency, can you update PGK or Papua New Guinea Kina under one of your currency.
Charle Torossian
I haven't purchased the service yet but I tested it and looks good, it would be more appealing if you incorporate barcode's or QR codes so we can fill up an estimate or an ivoice with scanning the invetory items... Manually is a must jmbut adding barcode scanning would be fantastic. It will be easier to move, return items in and out of the inventory... Consider the Barcode option and advertise again and you will attract more customers... Thanks
Jose P
You get 1 star
Sayan Banerjee
Highly user friendly and easy to use.
Sambhu Mandal
Really amazing application
Misbah Akbar
Excellent application and nicely designed. Step by step plan for easier understanding. I hope they will make it even better in future.
Jack Dobbins
Not free...might be great but can't tell without a trial run before buying it! Need at least a 3 day trial!
ibrahim shahin
Now working after i reduce the font size thank, but the app is perfect
Bent kristy Trewheeladisk anttrauxx
We don't gave time here we must do task plane go we can't count stuff winter is cold space isn't we must not look gray I'm driving ... I don't worry about my land no-one has heard of me wertel. What time we have come Ling asses can go other places don't.not sewing sound elgirthms only smells chimney hot don't cumm back to your back...
Alina Shyju
Absolutely an awesome App.
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