SINC: Employee Time Clock

Easily track employee hours, jobs, and shifts with precision and flexibility

Total ratings

4.59 (Rating count: 935)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly interface
  • Accurate tracking of employee hours
  • Great customer service and responsive support
  • Various useful features such as location tracking and export options for data
  • Regular updates and improvements to the app
  • High subscription fees, especially for small businesses
  • Issues with rounding down time for lunch breaks
  • Some technical issues like crashing and offline errors
  • Limited features in the free version
  • Concerns about employees disabling location tracking
Most mentioned
  • High subscription fees
  • User-friendly functionality
  • Customer service and support
  • Location tracking feature
  • Rounding down time worked
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.59
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Date Author Rating Comment
Benjamin Thomas
Excellent app spoiled by high subscription fee. Not scalable for small businesses. I'd love to have continued with it but I have 2 employees but the app is suited to large companies.
Brian&Beth Schimelfenig
Works well, but now the pricing is getting out of hand. I was disgusted a few years ago when I had to upgrade to the $24.99 plan. Now, it's $36.99?? Seriously. Currently looking for a different option.
Pablo Cerda
Great app, works perfect for me to keep track of my employees hours. I recommend it
Dmitri Aletkine
Who gave this a good rating? Steals time from employees. For regular signing in and out it tracks accurately, but when taking lunch, it always rounds down the time worked. It doesn't round up, ever. This is to the benefit of employer, obviously. I had seen almost every day a round down of a minute or two. One time, I had seen a round down of 7min for the day! Honestly, this is a class action lawsuit in the making. That being said, if you are an employee, track your time manually, or get cheated.
Zach Evans
I've been using the free version for almost a year now and it's been a great tool in keeping track of my hours. I haven't used it for tracking employees, I'm currently just using it for tracking my own personal hours but I know it has great features for keeping track of multiple people along with scheduling, location and chat features.
Chasin Blufaces
I realize after an employee clocks in they can disable their location and Sinc won't detect it. I also realize that their ping will still show up under live locations even if their location is completely off. Other than that, customer service has been great. Hopefully, they can find a solution for this problem. The ability to time stamp photos in the notes would really help.
Brian Taylor
They have put most options behind a subscription, I loved this app when it first came out but now it continually forces to get a subscription. While I understand needing to make money I would rather endure ads than pay monthly for yet another thing I can't afford. On to the next app unfortunately, but if you can afford to pay it looks to be a good app and from what I used it was nice.
Louis Crider
6/21 Update After having used Sinc in our company for the last 3 years, we are more satisfied than ever with the functionality of the app. With workers hours apart that we often don't personally see for weeks, timekeeping has gone from being a constant headache to a breeze. The app is constantly being updated with new features that almost always work seamlessly right from release with few bugs or issues. Customer support is incredible, fast, and helpful every time. Definitely worth the cost!
Clint Ballash
I love this app! It's awesome! After trying the alternatives, SINC is hands down a far better product, far far easier to use and understand, and at a much better price. Isn't that what we're all ultimately looking for? It clears up so much time for me and allows me to use that valuable time in other areas...less confusion, less stress, more valuable time...also just want to add that Sam is an awesome guy and a straight shooter. I really like working with that kind of people! :-)
Steven Avery
This app makes it easy to keep track of your hours and at times where you forget to punch in or punch out you're able to go back and correct that. Sometimes though I have to exit out of the app and reopen it because it's not working and saying that I am offline. Overall I recommend the app.
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