Simply Wall St: Stock Analysis

Visual stock & portfolio analysis, portfolio tracker, stock screener & alerts

Total ratings

4.63 (Rating count: 7,547)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great source of information for in-depth research
  • User-friendly interface and easy to navigate
  • Useful visual representation of financial data
  • Automatically links trading accounts
  • Saves time with quick access to essential stock information
  • Slow performance and loading times
  • Limited features for non-paying users
  • Issues with app functionality (e.g., back button not working)
  • Frequent bugs and unresponsiveness
  • Lack of technical analysis tools
Most mentioned
  • App is slow and often unresponsive
  • Great interface but lacks some key features
  • Bugs that hinder functionality
  • Limited free version with restricted access to data
  • Need for better portfolio management tools
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.63
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Rating filters

5 star
44% (12)
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15% (4)
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22% (6)
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11% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Cannot add transactions with date so performance and dividends are useless. So called transaction portfolio doesn't work on mobile app
Taking back 1 star for Light mode not available. Please it doesn't take a lot to change background to white.
The app is very good and have a great interface but I want it to have better chart such as more precise live chart and 1day so if you kindly see this please add the feature
Anthony Lapearle
excellent source of information for in-depth research. easy to use. easy to navigate. I like it!!
Mohan Velaga
Seems to be very good app, provides a quick snapshot on the company on important parameters, easy to make a buy or avoid decision
User friendly and helpful insights. Easy to understand details.
patience gondwe
The platform assist in tracking the performance and value of your portfolio. I like the info about the market across the world I get from the platform.
Kirk Scheper
Love this company, they provide in-depth analysis or company balance sheets synthesizing them into easy to ingest graphs. Also a platform for expert opinion pieces allowing you to explore various investor narratives. Love it.
Craig Stroud
This app has got better and better over time. Now with trading accounts able to automatically link is a dream. I've been paying for the full version for a couple of years now or so. For the first time recently, I emailed support, and they were fast and resolved my stupidly. 100% recommended
Jonno “JeWNo” E
great interface and layout but lack of support for ETFS (been waiting 4 years) portfolio features lacking (dividends) and way too slow to implement new features that they dangle the carrot for you means I won't be signing up again. advice don't subscribe based on what features are coming and expect them anytime soon.
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