Simple Notes

To do list widget with a notebook organizer, checklist, simple shopping list

Total ratings

3.66 (Rating count: 10,436)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and intuitive interface
  • Automatic save feature
  • Allows quick note-taking without unnecessary features
  • Lightweight app with minimal permissions required
  • Transition to paid model after a free trial caused loss of notes
  • Exporting notes results in jumbled text files
  • Lack of search functionality for notes
  • Forced upgrade prompts when accessing notes
  • Removal of previously available features in new updates
Most mentioned
  • Discontent with the shift from a free to a paid model
  • Concerns about losing access to notes after the trial period
  • Negative feedback on the export functionality
  • Dissatisfaction with new design changes and features
  • Frustration over the app's push for paid upgrades
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Recent rating average: 1.30
All time rating average: 3.66
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Date Author Rating Comment
Updating review. App was open-source. App was amazing for multiple years. Creator needs/wants money, so they update the perfectly functional app to lock you out of it (and all of your notes along with it) after 14 days unless you pay for pro. You can export the notes afterwards, but they're exported as a singular text file that's all jumbled and weird. I can understand ending maintenance of the free version of the app, but deliberately restricting access out of nowhere is predatory.
Vince the Animator
Essentially ransomware that will hold your notes hostage once your trial runs out unless you upgrade. The dev site mentions the ability to export your notes after your trial has ended, but as far as I can tell, the only way to export your notes once your trial is over is to click the option giving you one more day of the trial. What happens after that trial extension ends? Does it then lock you out of your notes permanently if you don't think to export your notes during the grace period?
James Martin
All note content was deleted. Only note titles export to forced paid version. You lose all content either way so pick someone else's app. Stay away, choose something else. @Tools - go fix export issue. No, it's not worth upgrading. This version was fine until someone came up with the idea to generate $1,000,000+ from existing downloads. Go pound sand.
Julien Dau
When I recently opened the app, I was faced with a pop-up that gave me the choice of either upgrade to the paid pro version, or close the app. That is it. I can't even copy my notes. You literally put my personal data behind a paywall, no warning. This is the most appalling decision, and I did not ever expect this from you. I've uninstalled all "Simple Mobile Tools" apps. You had a nice thing going, but you single-handedly ruined it with this one incomprehensible decision. What the heck.
Tom Keeler
Worked great until the 14-day free trial vs paid pro version. Uninstalling immediately. Will just make text drafts in my email program for free. Update: no thank you. I wanted a simple text program like the Windows Notepad for PC, no other function was necessary. If you wanted to build a similar app with bells and whistles, you should have launched "Not-So-Simple Notes" or something as a separate app. This transition was handled poorly and unprofessionally and ruined the app.
Lilmonster Mir
Do not fall for this "free" app. I had it for over a year and used it for important notes, only to have it suddenly tell me my "free trial" was up,and I had to download and pay for the actual app. You lose all your notes unless you pay, and although it tells you you can download them into Google docs, it just compiles all your notes into a jumbled mess that's difficult to get to in the first place. If I could give negative stars, I would.
Ghozzar Majere
was the best note keeping app i found. have been using it for a long time, but now all of a sudden i have to pay to keep using it. if i wanted to pay for a note app i would have payed for one of the many other options out there already. it lets me export my notes but i am seriously unhappy with this turn of events and the inconvenience it has caused.
Great app, but there is no keyword search, or even a title search, or categories. So If you write thousands of notes, good luck finding that one. Features I LUV~ automatic save, set to pick up at beginning or end of note, charater count, but seemingly unlimited character allowance, undo and redo buttons, NOT all in your business. App asks for only a couple of permissions that are needed for functionality. Very useful app! ❤ There is no longer a free version. 3/2023
vince moore
I've been using simple apps for years. The note app was easy to use, intuitive and stable. Thrown out on the latest update/trial imposition! The app was free, always would be, if I remember correctly? Simple thank-you app allowed support for the developer... I purchased it. Recently they changed their free apps to paid and forced all into a 14 day trial. IT'S NOT about paying! My notes don't transfer to the new app? It takes another app to retrieve my notes. Shame on you! Fix it I'll send more $
Erika Nelson (erikamn23)
When I first started using this app for notes, it didn't have the short trial and then mandatory upgrade to Pro. So now that it does, 2 years of notes are gone. I know I should have put stuff in a more secure place, and it gives the option to export notes, but they come out as a jumbled, unreadable mess and now all of my notes are gone. I'm very NOT pleased with that and, as soon as I can retrieve my information, this app will be deleted.
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