Coupon24: Coupons from Brands

Save with Coupons and Promotions

Total ratings

3.55 (Rating count: 65)
See reviews for Coupon24: Coupons from Brands on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.44
All time rating average: 3.55

Rating filters

5 star
33% (3)
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56% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
Andrew Horner
Terrible app. Easy to add the coupon to scan it, but then some stores can't scan the barcode on the phone, but they can't make the coupon printable. I contacted customer service with no response.
Jason Walden
It freezes up my phone and what's worse is that coupons aren't excepted at any stores I shop at Don't waste your time with this app
Sarah Bollenbach
I love this app works great at CVS. My only problem is the scanner function does not work. I can not scan barcodes to see if coupons attach to product, screen is just black. I have tried deleting the app and re-downloaded but still black screen. I have an android maybe not compatible?
Tonya Slager
Kat S
The nearest place I accepts the coupons is 200 mi away from me.. so therefore this app is useless to me.....
Lisa Ferguson
The closest stores that accepts the coupons are 300 miles away. What a waste of time.
Kim Hubbard
It's a great app to keep digital coupons, unfortunately no stores I shop accepted it.
jessica haas
Useless stores arent nearby
Shari Bennett-Ledbetter
Says only participating stores are Food Depot. None even close to me. So app is useless for me.