Reviews of ShopeeFood Driver

List of user reviews and ratings for ShopeeFood Driver

Total ratings

4.06 (Rating count: 198,878)

Review summary

  • App provides a platform for drivers to earn money through food delivery
  • Some users appreciate the hard work of the Shopee team in improving the app
  • The app is operational and provides delivery options for drivers
  • Inaccurate map and location services causing delivery issues
  • High number of drivers using fake GPS and multiple accounts impacting fair competition
  • Rigid order acceptance policies that penalize drivers for not taking orders they find unreasonable
Most mentioned
  • Inaccurate map and delivery points
  • Fake GPS and multiple accounts among drivers
  • Penalties for order cancellation and low driver earnings
  • Lack of communication features with customers
  • Issues with cash withdrawal timings
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 4.06
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60% (15)
Date Author Rating Comment
Irfan M Ruslan
This app's location accuracy is not reliable. I received an order but also got a penalty point at the same time.
Jodi Sarna
Don't put double order if the restaurant is different, i always got complaint from the customer cuz of this case
Pandu Wijayanto
You have to change the pick up procedure for food especially for cash payment to protect driver from fake/fictive food order.
aries w
Already available for wifi, also for the training should be on the layout i hope the best for shopee to gain the best ill give 5 star if the new updates includes training and information about new training and updates... Also the map is using and drain battery much more.. whats the point if we use google maps for direction but the app using map and gps in the viewer also there is no sign out for the apps .. Thanks
Robert Nicjoo
-Add dark mode -Zoom in map when near locations -Stop sending us notification (just customer) when you send customer automatic message like be ready driver it's near, it's distraction while we're driving
Raditya Kusumo Putro
the feature to move regions through the application is still an error. I want to move cities in the near future. but the choice of regions is only 1. please fix it.
Cintya Nariska
keep up the good work, ka adain dark mode dong
Azis Kurnia Nugraha (Acong)
Driver always been sacrificed even the merchant fault being too long for finishing up the item that been ordered, driver always getting scored for penalty even it's a double order batch that came.
Tan Rena
the disadvantages of this application compared to green applications... 1. no calls using the app 2. If the driver gets a double order, the consumer doesn't get a notification, so the driver has to chat to inform them... 3. I can understand that the fares given do not correspond to the distance traveled, because there are subsidies from incentives 4. stop accepting new drivers, it will really affect the income of old drivers
Syarif Attholibi
The autobid function is useless, if you can't pick and choose orders. It's better to set the full autobid directly in the application, orders must be taken all the time, we are employees, we are partners, why force us to take orders that we don't like... Miss an order and get suspended, take a few days off and get suspended, cancel an order and get suspended, just like a capitalist app.... If there is a service / service option, it is better to realize it immediately.
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