Reviews of Animal Tile: Triple Match

List of user reviews and ratings for Animal Tile: Triple Match

Total ratings

3.93 (Rating count: 261)

Review summary

  • Enjoyable gameplay
  • Fast payment processes (some users received payment the same day)
  • Ability to cash out through PayPal
  • Many users claim it's a scam
  • Lower than expected payouts
  • Frequent ads required to cash out or gain rewards
Most mentioned
  • Claims of it being a scam
  • Need to watch ads for rewards
  • Variable payout amounts and thresholds
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Animal Tile: Triple Match on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 3.93

Rating filters

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20% (2)
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50% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
Dian EY
Kira Linero
Watch ads for more rewards
Vanessa M Chattman
This app is awesome. I enjoy the game and received a payment in my PayPal account the same day. Thank you so very much developer for your awesome app.
Carrie Brown
Scam! Of course its a another unity game and all they do is lie!
Susie Esther Aguilar
I've played the game getting points. Cash out small amount total in PayPal. $.46 cent. After that got an alert after that point for adding to cash out stop not getting any point
It cashes out but I've only cash out $0.6 5 cents the first time and 1 cent the second time and anytime you want money you have to watch an ad. These games need to stop saying you'll be able to cash out so much money when it's all a scam it's unbelievable that ad company's let these people show these ads about wining so much and oh it's a real game it's not it's all fake. If you want a real game try something like best play that cashes out every three hours I've won 20 bucks on there already
Karrie Addison
Why the ads but it does pay out
Allison Tappan
Thank you, awesome fun game.
Destin Patterson
Scam Money Making Application That Doesn't Pay Instantly And With Diminishing Returns.Also Big Payout Threshold.
Papa Edddi
scam.. not worth my time