Seetaara- online shopping app

Seetaara shopping

Seetaara - Fast Online Shopping App

"Seetaara- online shopping app" is your one-stop destination for fast and fashionable shopping. Enjoy original products, 90-minute delivery, secure payments, and user-friendly returns. Shop trendy apparel, accessories, gadgets, and gifts for all occasions, with special sign-up benefits like free delivery on your first order. Experience a seamless online shopping journey with us!

App stats

Downloads: 1,594
Version: 4.3.4 (Last updated: 2024-10-03)
Creation date: 2021-06-17
Full description: See detailed description

User reviews

Very nice app we purchased through its.
by Shiv Murat Shukla, 2024-09-30

You need to have more good options and ypur website is not working at all....
by swati singh, 2024-09-09
View all user reviews

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