Security Savings Bank

Bank locally with Security Savings Bank Mobile App!

Total ratings

4.22 (Rating count: 76)
See reviews for Security Savings Bank on Google Play Store
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Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 4.22
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24% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
Brian Schnurr
Does what it needs to do for me
Christopher Roseland
Easy to use one you understand the app
GaryWY Kwong
No instruction that check to be deposited should have endorsement on the backside on the left side of the photo box.
A Google user
It's done everything I needed it to do.
Asad Ahmed
App crashing before it starts.
Will not open after several attempts even did a reinstall. Still nothing
Emily Koenen
More often then not the app doesn't work. Extremely outdated app and not user friendly.
Jason Albertson
App is slow and sometimes I have to sign in multiple times before it connects. Other times the app won't even open. The design feature needs work.
Skye Anderson
Will not open. I get a message that says there are bugs and I need to wait for the developer to fix it.
Lucas Van Holland
App crashing instantly on load. Over a week now and I can't check my balances. No fix published
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