USB Backup

Backup, restore and export your personal data on a USB storage device.

Total ratings

4.45 (Rating count: 1,697)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Some users found the app useful for backing up data.
  • Positive feedback regarding the app's functionality with Samsung Smart LED TVs.
  • The app is not functioning properly on multiple Samsung devices after software updates.
  • Issues with detecting USB connections and OTG functionality.
  • User difficulties in getting support or contact with developers.
Most mentioned
  • Not working after device or app updates.
  • OTG functionality not functioning on various Samsung models.
  • Inability to recognize USB connected devices.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 4.45
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Rating filters

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70% (14)
Date Author Rating Comment
Very Good
Very nice and warm up for the first time in the rest of us to get the rest of the
Feroz Qureshi
After updated phone it is not working plz suggest me what can I do
Rahul kumar jangid
Not showing the USB connected pen drive
Poonam Yadav
My phone is not showing the pen drive however it is connected.
Sagar Ghosh
I updated my mobile (Samsung A50) ,then this app not working. Very poor app.
A Jain
Why do you need this because when you connect the phone to your computer it will start to backup all your media. So why you need this
Praveen Kumar
Dear Team, I had made a back using this usb back up and went to asc and asc updated my device software. As per concern after software update my trying to restore my back up data but not getting and back up information over the app. I checked with my device my file app and found my device back file there arround of 9 GB. I try to share email on mentioned developer contact but mail no sent. Please assit me with this because i have many important file over the back up. waiting fir revert
mk jain
Unable to download this app on my Samsung M51 mobile. From M.K.JAIN
nirmal baliga
I don't know why this app is not installing on my device 《 Galaxy M21 》I wasted My So Much WiFi Data because of it
Lalith 9980560102
OTG is not working in samsung galaxy C9PRO plz connect it...
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