Samsung One UI Home

Meet the official Samsung launcher for Galaxy. It's beautiful and convenient.

Total ratings

3.75 (Rating count: 330,935)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Frequent pop-up ads that disrupt user experience.
    • Battery drain issues since the update.
    • Loss of features and functionality after updates.
    • Difficulties in customizing the user interface after updates.
    • Mandatory updates resulting in unwanted changes.
    Most mentioned
    • Pop-up ads causing interruptions.
    • Battery life dramatically decreased.
    • Changes to the user interface that users did not approve of.
    • Issues with app stability and frequent crashes.
    • Frustration with unwanted mandatory updates.
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.10
    All time rating average: 3.75
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    86% (18)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    They should update this app so that it can help with UI home to be better and be updated with latest software, have less unnecessary ads on my devices, and add more internal memory storage and when using MicroSD memory storage on Samsung Galaxy A03s and Samsung Galaxy Tab-A devices. Also, that keyboard and devices can work properly while using mobile, tablet, PC, etc..
    Rick Minard
    I'm disappointed to say the least. The 2019 update removed some the thing's that were most helpful. The one touch to answer and end calls, is gone! Having dexterity issues that was a plus. The slide to answer, is a real issue. Unfortunately, there's nothing to be done. Updates shouldn't mean, taking away feature's. That's definitely not a better experience, in my opinion.
    Vince Edwards
    Pop-up ads-issue solved! Like many, I have been experiencing recent pop-up ads when I turn my phone on. I thought it was this app, but disabling it did nothing. I became suspicious when the same issues happened on my wife's phone. Turns out, I got the pop-ups to stop when I uninstalled my barcode app. I'm not sure why this happened since I'm no Android wizard, but it was not this app causing the issue. I know others have commented about this and I wanted to share my solution. Good luck.
    Laima Simanavichus-Oram (Google Beans)
    I've been a long time Samsung lover BUT, this ONE UI.... has frustrated me to such a point that I'm ready to throw, what was a perfectly wonderful phone, in the toilet! I'm serious, enough of these full size pop up adds, the loss of apps, the loss of time trying to stop my work from just disappearing, not able to download photos sent to me, Oh My God!...STOP IT!!!Who ever decided to add this monster on a download has lost me as a loyal owner! I've enough problems and now my phone? N.O!
    Mikey Destito
    After doing research online on how to determine WHY my phone is experiencing all these random, annoying pop-up ads (this thru the app store) it seems to be becuz of this app. And after reading a lot of other comments, I'm almost sure of it now. This is a huge disappoint and very frustrating. It has interrupted many situations (i.e. texting, video, downloads, etc.) and has me worried whether it can get worse. It needs to be fixed or made to be uninstalled. 😠
    A Google user
    I hate getting all of these random pop up ads. This app came with my phone and since the update, the ad pop-ups are getting worse! Because it's the UI system for the home page, the minute it's uninstalled, my customized pages are uninstalled. When I put them back together, the app reinstalls itself. FIX THIS!! We want to be able to use our phones without getting interrupted every time we use our phones!
    A Google user
    Everything was fine. I've had my J7 Crown for quite awhile. Don't remember when I bought it. Never had any other issues, until now. Went to restart my phone because my internet(Wifi and standard data) was really slow. Nothing I haven't done before, but now I get a persistent pop-up error message which has rendered my phone useless. "One UI Home keeps stopping" It will not allow me to close the app, it will not allow me to force close, or disable. It just keeps popping up with the error until the phone crashes, restarts and the errors pop-up again.
    A Google user
    Not long ago ads just started popping up on my phone, the phone has been acting weird as well with delays and everything. I did not what app was causing the issue so I deleted numerous app, come to find out this is the app causing the issue and you cannot uninstall it. I have been on the samsung boat for a while now and this literally made me feel like switching. On top of that my battery has been draining extremely faster than usual ever since this update.
    A Google user
    I've been a devoted user of Samsung/Galaxies since the S4, but have never seen this kind of bullsh*t. Lately I have been recieving pop up ads on my homescreen and it doesn't end there. I've also been experiencing random webpages opening on their own. This has been happening for about a week or two now. EVERY time this happens, I immediately look at "recently used" and this app is ALWAYS at the top of the list. Listen to your customers samsung, because if you don't you're gonna keep losing them.
    A Google user
    I spent a whole day on my phone without notification panel. The software got updated without me allowing it to, and did not explain anything. So now I have some stupid "gestures" i had set up to swipe my finger on the left side, and still have the panel come from the top. I googled notification panel not working, and did everything I could possibly find to try and fix the problem... turns out I had an app that got installed while I was sleeping so make it work. Really dissatisfied.
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