Scientific Calculator Advanced

Classic scientific calculator with graphs. Precision calculation made easy!

Total ratings

4.75 (Rating count: 22,934)

Review summary

  • Easy to use and accessible for quick calculations
  • Comprehensive features including graphing and support for scientific functions
  • Has been a reliable tool for many users for years
  • Free version that serves most basic scientific calculation needs
  • Recent intrusive full-screen ads, some of which are unskippable
  • Issues with handling certain mathematical operations (e.g., BODMAS/PEMDAS)
  • Graphing feature is buggy and difficult to navigate
  • Some users report problems with unwanted ad content
Most mentioned
  • Recent updates have led to an increase in intrusive ads
  • Consistency issues with mathematical operations (e.g., order of operations)
  • Complaints about the app's former usability being compromised by ads
  • Bugs in graphing features preventing proper function
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 4.75
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Rating filters

5 star
52% (14)
4 star
15% (4)
3 star
2 star
11% (3)
1 star
22% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
Kate R (HotKat)
Great calculator for just about any need. I like to work math problems to relax, and this calculator comes in handy.
Andy Burrows
Great app, use it all the time
Denise Maxcy
Best scientific calculator app I have found that's free.
Robert Bessette
Exceptional quality and easy to use
Was a great app, now destroyed by full screen ads. Small non-intrusive ads were doing fine, but dear developers screwed up this time. When you're rushing to key in a number, fullscreen unskippable ads isn't the way
Gavin Rowley
I always use this calculator because it does what I need and I like it.
Saloni Sharma
Update: I've been using it for years now since 2017 and it's still one of the best calculators on play store. Earlier review: It's very nice and handy... Just doesn't follow BODMAS or PEMDAS properly. Rest is good.
Andrew Lelea
I used to like this calculator app, but recently it started having 30-60 second long popup ads. By the time the stupid ad is done, you forget the numbers you were gonna input into the calculator. So pathetic. I'm deleting this after 10 years of using it.
Ionut Cosmin Oncescu
i hate the ads, it was a better experience before the intrusive ads that block all the screen
Devon Swartz
I have been using this calculator for years and until recently, it has been a great experience but a recent update caused full-screen ads that cannot be backed out of and that is unacceptable.
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